Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression

Home » PMVA Training Courses » 1 Day Refresher

PMVA Refresher Training Course

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This refresher course will demonstrate techniques which will help you to defuse and manage any potential conflict, within a variety of settings.

This course has been certified by BILD (British Institute of Learning Disabilities) and complies with the RRN Standards 2021 as well as the standards set by the GSA (General Services Association).

BILD Certified Training Provider

Who should attending this course?

This refresher course is essential for any member of staff that works in a violent/ aggressive setting, particularly within a mental health environment.

This course is only for delegates that need to update their skills. Delegates must have completed a full 3-day PMVA course prior to attending this course.

Course Objectives

This Course can be tailored to the needs of your organization.

If you can’t find a course to suit the area or date you are looking for, then please contact the office on 020 4539 4600 and we will look to accommodate .

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